Thursday, January 21, 2021

Unsung Technician Heroes of the Pandemic

Along with the health care workers, the first responders, those who keep us safe, the grocery store workers, the farmers, the people working in meat processing plants, post office employees, teachers, and so many more....

....there are the technicians who keep the services we take full advantage of without thinking running.

Our cable TV signal was deteriorating.and our internet WiFi kept dropping my laptop, so we called the cable company.  When you call the cable company, you are greeted by an automated system that tries to solve your problem.  If it can't, you get switched over to a live person.  This person made an appointment for the next day, which was yesterday.

During the pandemic, there are certain rules set down by the cable company, for safety.  Both the technician and the occupants of the house must wear masks.  The technician does outside work as much as possible, limiting time inside the house.  If anyone in the house isn't feeling well you are supposed to reschedule.

As soon as he knocked on our door, he knew the problem -  the outside line had to be replaced.  That involved the tech working outside during a day of intermittent snow showers.  It was windy.  He had to end up climbing two different ladders in two locations in our front yard (including by a utility pole), and working some in our basement.  

Not today and not our home, but it gives you an idea

He stayed until the job was done.  He told us our line was, possibly, 20 years old.

Our job wasn't his first of the day and it wouldn't be the last.

We take techs like him for granted, not knowing the hard work they put in until we need them at our house, and we see them in action.  They are so necessary now, for those of us who work at home or otherwise depend on the Internet, and we depend on them to keep us safe in their own ways.

I remember, so many months ago (April), when my developmentally disabled brother in law was hospitalized with COVID, we would call the hospital twice a day for an update on his condition.  The nurses were good about taking our phone calls and reporting his vitals, his medications, his oxygen situation, and his spirits.

One day I asked them "what can we do to help you?" and the nurse's response was "stay home!"

Except they couldn't stay home if my brother in law was to recover, and so can't too many other people.

So this is the part where I am supposed to say something inspirational.  But I just can't. 

I'll be thinking of that technician for a while.


  1. ..the Trump Plague has shown us how ordinary people are so important and that we are all dependent on each other!

  2. yes, there are angels out there helping to keep us safe ~ great tribute post to them ~

    Moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. I hope that we can finally get a handle on the pandemic...

  4. Oh the unsung heroes who keep the gears oiled and turning. Whatever would we do without them?

  5. My husband and I have been relatively isolated since March of last year and I often think and give thanks for the unsung heroes out there who make our lives possible and pleasant. We'll never know most of their names but that does not make our appreciation of their efforts any less.

  6. Oh yes, just imagine if the things that can break had to stay broken. I don't want to imagine.

  7. There a lot of people who goes to work and make sure that some have a normal life.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  8. We get ice storms here, and a bad one can take out the power for some time. Knock wood, we haven't been affected for days at time, but some parts of town have. We go out and see the Georgia Power guys out in the bucket trucks, replacing overhead cables, changing out transformers. Sometimes they end up working around the clock, trying to get the electricity squared away. We haven't had a gas leak, thank heaven, but we see them out all the time as well. Those are the guys that decided to forgo college in favor of learning a trade, and hearing people talk bad about them really bothers me. Those might be some of the smartest guys around...


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