Friday, January 22, 2021

Celebrating White and Blue #SkywatchFriday

Where I live in New York State, blue skies and the sun are infrequent visitors.  Any appearance of either is usually accompanied by bitter cold, unpleasant weather with even more chilling breezes.

But not on January 9, and my spouse and I decided to take a walk on the Vestal Rail Trail.

Snow on either side, the sky looks like a painting.

Bare trees have a special character.

A sumac bush (see red things on the left) still displays its cone shaped clusters.

Along the trail, water flowed.  Imagine that, free water (and not frozen solid) in January.

One more view. 

When will we see this again?

Joining up with Yogi and the other sky loving bloggers over at #SkywatchFriday.


  1. ...beautiful, I haven'r see a blue sky in while.

  2. It's the same here, you have to enjoy the blue sky when you catch a glimpse of it. The second pic with the stark treetops is my favorite today.

  3. Lovely blue skies! We haven't had many of those this winter here in Sweden.

  4. We've got snow today. I'd love to see blue sky buthaven' seen i in Rochester in a while!
    Carol C

  5. Some blue sky nearly every day here in Maryland.

  6. beautiful, I love blue skies, even when it is cold.

  7. Gorgeous skies, and a perfect day to get out for a walk!

  8. Oh, the blue sky will return, eventually. Glad you did get a glimpse of it this month.

  9. Very nice! I'm ready for spring!

  10. Beautiful!
    Have a great weekend!

  11. I am your newest follower. Winter scenes you posted are beautiful. Be safe.


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