Saturday, January 15, 2022

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day January 2022

To quote Elizabeth Lawrence and also Carol Michel, who hosts the 15th of the month meme Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, "We can have flowers nearly every month of the year."

In my zone 5b garden in New York State, though, it ain't easy.  We woke up today to -1F (-18.3C), which is the coldest it has gotten in a couple of years.  Also, a snowstorm is predicted to start later this weekend.  But we have an outdoor flower! Sort of.

Our white Lenten Rose has buds.  It had buds in December, too.  It's not always patient about waiting for spring to bloom, and I was fearful that our up and down weather would encourage it to bloom.  Buds are now peaking above leaves that Nature had mulched the plant with.  There is little snow cover right now and I have no idea if those buds survived the -1.

These pictures were taken yesterday because I am devoted, but not so devoted to go outside when it is -1 just to take a picture.

I'd rather stay indoors.  And I wasn't disappointed, either.

My two kalanchoe plants are blooming, for the first time in several years.

 Here's one of the two impatien plants I took cuttings of, rooted in water (it's easy), and planted in small pots.
Here's my other pot, with two more plants.

Each January, around New Years Day, I buy a primrose for the table.  Here's 2022's.

I have two amaryllis, both the same type, purchased at a chain home improvement store.  One's first stalk has already bloomed and the second one is in almost full bloom now.

The second amaryllis is in my home office, and the first bloom is opening up today. You can see the kalanchoes in the background.  I have various other plants under lights on a big table, including the impatiens above, a lemon grass plant cutting, and a Norfolk pine plant we bought about two years ago. These are not true pines, and are not cold hardy.

Not pictured:  violas in a hanging basket, with one tiny bloom my iPhone SE 1st edition can't capture, and the poinsettias I overwintered last year and am overwintering again.  Also, my unhappy geraniums, which are not blooming.

Want to see more flowers from all over the world? Why not visit the link at the beginning of my post, and see what other gardeners have on display for you?  Or better yet, why not join Carol and other bloggers?  I've participated since (I think) June of 2011, and it makes a wonderful garden diary.

Happy winter (or summer, depending on where you live) to you and thank you for visiting!


  1. ...thanks for these beautiful colors, outside my window this morning white is the primary color.

    1. Lots of white this time of year, between the ground and the sky!

  2. You can always have flowers — indoors. I like the primrose

    1. Our supermarket (that's where I buy them) has them in so many colors.

  3. Thank you for sharing your Hellebore buds and indoor garden. The Amaryllis is especially beautiful. Happy Bloom Day!

  4. Beautiful!
    Love the blooming amaryllis - pretty color! Do you know the name?
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

    1. Strangely, both my husband and I thought it was Red Lion, but it isn't. These didn't come in boxes, but loose, so, sadly, I don't know!

  5. Your flowers are beautiful and how nice to have those blooming around you when it's so cold outside. Stay bundled up and warm this weekend!

    1. Yes, we did not leave the house today and a turkey is in the oven!

  6. The kalanchoe is a very pretty color. I like that last photo, a peek at your indoor plants!

    1. You twisted my arm - I'll need to feature more peeks at my indoor plants.

  7. I have just a few blooms in the garden now and decided they were not sufficient to share for Bloom Day. You on the other hand have a number of quite lovely blooms there. Happy Bloom Day.

    1. I missed you, Dorothy! Just one camilla bloom is a treat for me.

  8. Thank you so much for a little bit of spring in my inbox!

  9. Beautiful photos! I've never seen amaryllis indoors.

    1. I've never seen amaryllis outdoors, I don't believe.

  10. Up and down weather wrecks havoc on our plants also. You have many blooming houseplants to bring much cheer during the winter months.

    1. And you've received more snow than us, which is amazing, considering this year is already so amazing and it's only 15 days old.

  11. Sending your outdoor bloom happy warm thoughts. At least you've got blooms inside ;)


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