Friday, May 6, 2022

April to May Skies #SkywatchFriday

Spring has finally come to the Southern Tier of New York (I hope!)  I still have no sunsets to show you, but at last I have some actual blue skies to show you.  Let's revisit the skies of May Day first.

On May 1st the clouds look like they are shooting out of some central point.

A Bradford Pear on the trail where I exercise walk.

Birds hanging out in a tree.  Behind them, a streaky sky.  

Now, let's move forward to yesterday.  I attended my first in person meeting since COVID, in a local park, and took these pictures after the meeting.

This is a park I haven't shown you in a long time, but here's a post I did on it back in 2013.   Our area calls itself "The Carousel Capital" because we have six operating carousels during the summer months.  Best of all, they are free to ride.  The structure on the right is the housing for this park's carousel.
A redbud tree in full bloom.
Bradford Pears finishing up.

Finally, just to come full circle, we walked on the same trail as we did on May 5.  This time, it's a grey catbird in a tree.  And, the trees are greening up.

Joining Yogi and other skywatchers, as I do each Friday, for #SkywatchFriday.


  1. ...I want to revisit "The Carousel Capital" soon.

  2. The contrails make the skies interesting today!

  3. All it does here is rain. I am so sick of it.

  4. Free carousels, sign me up but only if they have horses don't go up and down.

  5. The sunset pictures will come, for now it's just a relief to be able to see the beautiful blue sky and the budding trees, which I greatly appreciate even if they do make me sneeze.

  6. I love the skies AND the returning of colour to the world!

  7. P.S. I would love to see pictures of the carousels!

  8. Lovely sky and scenery shots. I love spring with all of its rebirth process and show of colors! I'm excited about a day trip planned for tomorrow with our son and his fiancé. This will the first big thing we've done since the government shut our lives down. I hope the weather is good! :)

  9. Glad you're having some beautiful skies and pretty blooms. Thanks for sharing them!

  10. Greetings and Salutations! Contrails in the sky were quite beautiful.

  11. I know! We always hope spring is finally here to stay in NYS =) All the beautiful signs of life make us smile! Thank you for sharing your sweet start to spring! ~ Maria


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