Friday, August 19, 2022

Rain At Last #SkywatchFriday

Where I live in the Southern Tier of New York, it's been much drier than usual.  We've been hoping for rain but it seemed like storms were avoiding where I live.

August 15, though, clouds became more numerous.

By August 16, rain was in the forecast for the next day (August 17). Later that day, we saw a fisherman standing in the middle of the river. No surprise - we've seen geese standing in it, too, during this dry year.
Normally, this path would be lush green and overgrown so we wouldn't want to walk in it, for fear of ticks.  But now, the grass has gone dormant and even the weeds are stunted. 

Wednesday, some rains came (not pictured) and were the plants happy!  

I didn't take a picture, but by Thursday afternoon, it was looking threatening again.

First, we got a heavy, unexpected shower in early afternoon.  By about 4:30, when we went to a small cruise-in at our local supermarket, it definitely looked like rain, and we got a drizzle a few minutes later.

We'll take whatever we can get.  And yes, I'll post some cruise in pictures one of these days.

Joining Yogi and other skywatchers each Friday for #SkywatchFriday.


  1. We had a crazy storm on Wednesday that moved from the northeast to the southwest. We even had hail. We needed the rain, though.

  2. We are officially in a drought. We’ve had some very brief rainstorms but haven’t had a good, soaking rain. The lawns are brown.

  3. How lovely! We're waiting a little on the rain here as well!

  4. We've been really dry here too, even with a sprinkler system put into regular use, our lawn looks really sad.

  5. Gorgeous skies and great to hear you finally got rain!

  6. Glad to hear the rains finally appeared.

  7. Your photos are wonderful. You beautifully captured the changes as the storm approached.

  8. An hour of drizzle seems to do more good for plants than hours of watering. Glad that things are looking better rainwise for your area.


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