Sunday, October 9, 2022

The Library Pantry

 Spouse and I went to the library late last week, and while we were talking to a librarian we've discussed gardening with from time to time, this caught my eye.

After our conversation, I checked the display out.

You see various food items on a shelf.  The sign is a little small, but it explains that this is a collection for a food pantry near the library.

It's sobering.

I hope none of my readers goes to sleep hungry at night.  Or the same for your neighbors.  But it happens, sometimes to people we know.  People who don't want to take what they consider as charity.  But perhaps they have to choose between rent and food.  Or medication and food.

They may be seniors.  They may have jobs.  They may be the person next door to you.

But these are times of peril for public libraries.

When I think of the people attacking libraries, it gives me chills, because libraries have been lifelines for many people for many years.  I know someone who used the local library to escape the bullying they endured in school.  It may have been a lifesaver for them.

And now, our local library where I live is stepping up again to help the community it serves.

Even if that community may, one day, lash out at it.

If libraries fail, what then?


  1. insecurity is a serious problem.

    1. It is, and it is more widespread than many people realize.

  2. You would not believe the lines at the Episcopal Church in my town every Thursday at noon. There is also a food pantry in my town and there are little "Blessing Boxes" with food here and there. People who don't live paycheck to paycheck do not understand this problem.

    1. I got a rude awakening several years ago at a United Way presentation at my job (several years prior to the pandemic) when the presenter told us that 70% of food pantry customers in our county were employed. I don't know what that percentage is now but whatever the percentage, the need is so great. My former manager's daughter owns one of those blessing boxes outside her home.

  3. Libraries is the foundation of any civilisations. One percentagers tend to be dumb and uninformed.

    1. I don't think it's lack of intelligence. There are people out there who are so skilled at manipulating emotions and "facts", they drag some of these people into believing almost anything. I agree that libraries are the foundation of any civilization.

  4. It's sad that it's come to this again. But some people have been sold a bill of goods, and they have decided that ideas are the enemy. Sad sigh.

  5. Our library was national head lines. Things are starting to straitening out.
    Every community need library.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  6. The trouble is that making libraries over as "community centers" brings the bullies right in. "Get up, stop reading, libraries aren't 'quiet places' any more, everybody's going to RUN AND SCREAM!"


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