Saturday, April 1, 2023

Azaleas and Art - #AtoZChallenge

Whether you are coming here due to the Blogging from A to Z Challenge, welcome to my blog!

Today is the first day of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge, and that's no April Fools Joke.  Today, hundreds of bloggers start April 1 with a post whose topic begins with "A".  Every day, except Sunday, we will blog -Monday, "B", Tuesday, "C",  and so on, although Sunday, April 30, will be a blogging day for the letter Z.  

It's not too late to join the fun:  just go to this link.

My theme this year is: Exploring South Carolina and the Eastern United States.

I hope to blog about South Carolina mainly, but I wanted to give myself a bit of space if a letter gave me difficulty.  Plus, my B and M posts will take place locally in my area'll see.

Why South Carolina?  After all, I've lived most of my life in New York State, hundreds of miles from South Carolina.

First, for a number of years, South Carolina has been a refuge for a week or so away from winter. I've been to several parts of South Carolina and wanted to share this beautiful state with you.

But more importantly, I am doing the Challenge this year in memory of a fellow blogger, Rena, who passed away March 18 at the age of 53.  Rena was a friend and an inspiration to the many bloggers she befriended, and/or did work for.  She lived in South Carolina, which fit right in with my them.

I think Rena would have enjoyed today's post. 

I am taking you today to Summerville, South Carolina, which is about 25 miles northwest of Charleston. Each spring, Summerville has an azalea festival with a lot of arts and crafts, called the Family YMCA Flowertown Festival.  These pictures were taken in 2014, when the festival wasn't quite as large as it is today. These are pictures of the general area where the festival took place in 2014.

Art and Azaleas are together in Azalea Park.  This artwork is called "Hop to It".

Here are the names and descriptions of some of these art works.
My favorite activity - reading a book.  "For Wind and Waves" .
I love birds.  "Heron and the Sun".
One of the many beautiful azaleas in Azalea Park.

Let's end with a pink azalea in bloom.

Tomorrow we have A to Z off and I will be blogging about music as part of a group we call "Music Moves Me".  On Monday, I will hop back to New York State for a day of remembering, but after that it's back to South Carolina.  I hope you like what you will see in the coming month, because South Carolina is a state that can be full of interest - and surprises.

"A" day on the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.


  1. I’m eager to see what you’re going to show us this month.

  2. Exquisite looking garden with azalea

  3. Hi Alana - I love seeing the Spring azaleas ... and will enjoy your South Carolina posts ... cheers Hilary

  4. I love azaleas, my first exposure was a house in Atlanta area my late husband and I bought. It was surrounded by them!

    DB McNicol - Small Delights, Simple Pleasures, and Significant Memories
    My Snap Memories - My life in Black & White

  5. What a lovely post. The peek at art and azaleas is delightful, and what a charming tribute to Rena.

  6. The Azalea's of South Carolina are beautiful and the Sculptures are such wonderful works of Art. My favorite is the woman sitting in "The Garden". How thoughtful to honor the memory of Rena. It's amazing how friendships are made through blogging. You and I know about that. Looking forward to all of your AtoZ posts and journeys.

  7. Just saw the first azaleas blooming in my neighborhood today, so I related to this post. And combining them with art? Priceless! Look forward to your other A to Z posts, as always :-)

  8. Nice start to the challenge! South Carolina is right next door (sort of...)

  9. I did A-Z challenge ages ago. Good luck.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  10. I love azaleas. Used to grow them when I lived in Connecticut and they bloomed in June. Now that I'm in southwest Florida, they surprise me when they bloom in February. Stopping by from the Blogging A to Z Challenge.

  11. Nice to see that you are a million pv blogger. Shall know something about South Carolina from your posts.

    Good to see your first post. My first post. Articles and Blogs on Industrial Engineering

    #AtoZChallenge 2023 Theme: A to Z of Industrial Engineering

  12. Beautiful photos. I'm inspired to add these flowers to my garden come spring :-)

    Ronel visiting for A:
    My Languishing TBR: A
    Accomplished Athena

  13. Lovely photos, Alana! Love the Azaleas and must say, such a pretty start to the challenge! All the best for the AtoZ!

  14. I caught up. Azaleas remind me of Manderley.


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