Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Park (Cancer Survivors) #AtoZChallenge #WordlessWednesday

Another not so wordless post....

Greenville, South Carolina, is a city full of parks.  I visited some of them on a February, 2023 visit, including Cancer Survivors Park.  I am not a cancer survivor, but my late mother in law was a survivor of three bouts with cancer.  My late childhood best friend survived one cancer and lived more than 30 years after.

The purpose of Cancer Survivors park is to support and uplift those with cancer, whether they are undergoing treatment, are in remission, or facing a crisis.


The entrance is a work of art called Butterfly Journey. 

In this closeup, you can see the butterflies a little better.

Let's take a walk in the park.

This sculpture is called "The Welcome Statue".  The yellow flower is not part of the sculpture; daffodils were blooming and someone put one in her hand.

A closeup.  If there was a way for me (I'm sure there is but I don't have the software for it) to make the picture black and white except for the flower, I think it would have come out well.

Tom's Hat is a tribute to the designer of the park, Thomas Keith, Jr, who passed away in 2013.  It shows a notepad and a Tilley hat.

Fear Not is in a children's garden within the park.

The park was quiet when we were there, but I understand there are events each week to support, educate, and encourage.

"P" day in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.  My theme this year is: Exploring South Carolina and the Eastern United States.

Also joining up with Sandee at Comedy Plus for her #WordlessWednesday.


  1. Welcome statue is very moving to look at

  2. This is an important place for people in need. My admiration for the creator of the park and thank you for sharing this important space.
    Happy WW and inspiration for the other letters!😘❤️

  3. ...I like the Welcome Statue!

  4. What a great idea and the welcome staue is very moving

    Have a tanfastictastic week 👍

  5. What a beautiful place that surely brings hope to many. Beautiful.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  6. What a wonderful tribute and place to honor those struggling with cancer ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Lovely place. What a nice thing to do for people who need uplifting.

  8. What a wonderful place for a wonderful cause.

  9. Beautiful place. I love the welcome stature.

  10. The welcome statue is lovely. The daffodil was a nice thought by someone as it is the symbol of all cancers.

  11. Interesting statuary and I do love that butterfly gate.

  12. What a lovely spot. It makes me want something similar in this neck of the woods.

  13. What a meaningful idea to dedicate a park to cancer survivors. I love that butterfly entrance, which must be uplifting to those who pass through it.

  14. Hi Alana - that looks lovely for cancer sufferers, healers and family ... beautiful to see - while too the sculptures - cheers Hilary

  15. The daffodil really looks lovely! even without the selective B/W filter. A Cancer survivor park is a brilliant idea. Nothing like nature to deal with trauma and stress.


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