Saturday, May 6, 2023

A Moment of Nature

Nature has so much to offer us, if only we spend the time to watch.  I'm guilty of not watching enough.

Today, we were getting in our car to go to a charity car wash.  Spouse noticed this beautiful butterfly on one of our lilac bushes.    Here in the Southern Tier of New York, the lilacs are opening up.

I think this is a male eastern tiger swallowtail.  I followed it as it flew to another lilac flower.

One more view before it flew away.

In our local park, we were delighted to see this Virginia bluebell in bloom.  There was only one small patch and it was a little bit off the trail, so this is a little blurry.

Another view.

Finally, I was able to capture a grey catbird (Dumetella carolinensis) singing on the Vestal Rail Trail the other day.  I published one photo yesterday but remembered I had another one.  Here our little feathered friend is.   The other photo was better - you will barely see our friend in the center of today's photo.  

These birds are full of personality and we immediately put out a cut orange out just in case one was returning to our yard.  We had a pair last year and they tend, I understand, to return to the same territory year after year. (I know I wouldn't like them as much if I grew fruit, because they love fruit.)

What a beautiful spring day, and I need to get out and enjoy it.


  1. Growing up in New England, I well remember the fragrant blossom on the lilacs. I miss them...

    Our Prime Years - Life in Tennessee
    DB McNicol - author | traveler | shutterbug
    My Snap Memories - My Life in Photographs
    Hopping thru my day - Personal Thoughts, Memories, & Ramblings

  2. Nice pattern on that butterfly. The flowers are lovely in numbers.

  3. ...I have yet to see a butterfly, perhaps next week.

  4. The local high schooler does charity car wash.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  5. These pictures bring back fond memories of my mother's lilacs.

  6. A Grey Catbird is a wonderful songster, often borrowing the songs of others and leading birders on a merry chase. I always welcome their return with an extra sense of pleasure.

  7. If you grew fruit, you would have all sorts of birds taking them from the tops of the trees. (Childhood memory of mine.)

  8. Butterflies and flowers are delightful.


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