Friday, June 30, 2023

Back to the Smoke #SkywatchFriday

The last day of June.  The year is half over.

Thankfully, our air is not as bad as it was three weeks ago when our skies were yellow, but the air was at unhealthy levels for everyone in New York State as of yesterday (when I took these pictures).  Right now it's 142 (unhealthy for everyone).

This is not the post I wanted to write.  Maybe next week I can take you on a small trip we took a couple of weeks ago.  For today, we are staying local.

Southern Tier of New York State, heading west.

You can barely see clouds, but it isn't near as bad as some other parts of the United States right now.  For that I'm grateful.

Let's try some reflection photos.  Do the reflections look a bit hazy?  I think they do.


Along the Susquehanna River.

Contrast with the sky on Tuesday.

Joining up with Yogi and other sky watching bloggers for #SkywatchFriday this last day of June.


  1. I am thinking I need to buy an air purifier.

  2. Worse than seeing the haze is knowing what caused it. Heartbreaking. You're smart to stay in when it's like that.

  3. Sorry to say, I know what your going through, and it's no fun. I remember being unable to go out and water the garden (well, I could have, but with toxic air I wasn't going to).

  4. I'm coughing and my eyes are watering from just seeing your photos. I hope you get some relief soon. We have had a couple days of smoke but nothing recently.

  5. We had smokey air yesterday. Not sure yet today. Worst fires in Canada's history. Strange.

  6. Hope your air quality improves soon!

  7. I'm so sorry. It's so icky. Take care. Hopefully it'll blow over soon.

  8. I sometimes think what we need is a hurricane - hopefully, not a significantly destructive one and one with no loss of life - but a big wind to blow all of this out into the Atlantic where it can dissipate.

  9. I apologize for the smoke! Actually your reflection pictures are gorgeous!

  10. Helps us appreciate how small and vulnerable our world really is when a fire can impact such a large area!

  11. The smoke would have been very damaging to health!

  12. And their people says there no climate issues.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  13. The air here was so bad, they closed all the outdoor pools.

  14. Yes, it’s hazy here, and I dread what the fireworks are going to do to the air.

  15. Lovely sky shots ~ despite the bad air ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. So sorry about the air quality.

  17. Chicago air has the smoke from Canada too. Closed windows and stayed inside. Today it is raining. Hope things clear up in your area soon.

  18. It got hazy and smelled like something burning last Thursday in Chattanooga, TN. Sure enough, the news reported that it was smoke from Canada.


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