Thursday, June 15, 2023

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day June 2023

Welcome to my zone 5b flower gardens.

Things are a little wet here in the Southern Tier New York - yesterday we got some badly needed rain.  Better yet, the haze of the terrible wildfires has cleared out - for now.  

My June gardens are full of flowers, so let's get started.

The first few photos were taken a couple of days ago, as I wanted to get these before they got wet.

With all the modern petunia varieties, they've become one of my favorite flowers.

Purple ones are my favorite.
Especially this shade, here as a double flower.

Then, there are Calibrachoa (right side) with petunias.

Purple, yellow, pink.

Petunias and bacopa.
Ivy geraniums.

This geranium we've kept alive the past two winters - it is a variegated variety and has orange flowers, but they appear red in every photo I've ever taken of this. 

White marigold.  Something started to eat on this but it is recovering.  I can remember years ago when Burpee held a contest with a prize to the first person who developed a white marigold.

Speaking of white, lobelia, from the same nursery where I bought the next flower.

Yellow scaviola.  I've grown the white variety in hanging baskets but I saw this specimen in a nursery getting ready to close for the season, and I couldn't resist.  Too big for a hanging basket, it has its own planter.

Culinary thyme.

An heirloom allium.  I forgot its name.

Fuchsia.   I have several types.  Unfortunately, the hanging basket my son gave me for Mother's Day has stopped blooming in the past several days, but here is a picture from before it went on strike.  I don't know why it stopped.  I wanted to show it off.


Another of my fuchsias.

Cuphea, beloved of my yard's ruby-throated hummingbird (the only kind that lives in our part of the United States).  This year we are also growing a white cuphea, the first time I've ever seen it in this color.

Last but not least, a wild rose that sprang up near our lilacs (in the shade) several years ago.  A woman I know who is very knowledgeable of plants thinks it may be a rose called Ballerina that has gone wild.

Thanks go, once again, to Carol at May Dreams Gardens, who hosts this every-15th-of-the-month meme.


  1. ...beautiful, I'm off the the greenhouse to buy more flowers. I can never have too many.

  2. Lovely flowers. I am guessing that the haze of 'terrible wildflowers' is an autocorrect issue? Gotta love technology.

  3. We're on the same page, again today!

  4. Beautiful flowers!
    Love the double petunia!

  5. What lush colours you have all over your garden:-)

  6. You certainly have a green thumb! Lovely.

  7. Your flowers are so beautiful. I am sad to say that I do not have a green thumb though I love flowers.

  8. Your June blooms are beautiful. 'Ballerina' is a lovely rose to have chosen your garden as its home. May it keep flourishing for you.

  9. Wow, you've got a lot of blooms right now.

  10. Beautiful flowers brighten up the day

  11. So many nice flowers! I don't have hanging baskets, so yours catch my eye. Petunias... pretty, however there's something I just never liked about them! The new kinds are striking.

  12. Petunias seem to love my front yard. And I oblige them by planting them every year!
    I SO love these Bloom Days!


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