Sunday, August 20, 2023

Fruit Shadows #ShadowshotSunday

At the farmers market yesterday, I noticed these red seedless watermelons.  They were bathed in shadows cast by the crates they were in. Look at the middle two melons.

Next to them were some cantaloupe.  

I found the shadows on the bottom two cantaloupes interesting, too.

Joining Magical Mystery Teacher for ShadowshotSunday


  1. ...we bought a cantaloup Thursday at the market, sweet as can be.

  2. They're wearing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle masks! At least, that's what they look like to me, especially the cantaloupes.

  3. I love them both: water melons and cantaloups - with shadows or without shadows. Your capture of the shadows, though, is interesting!

  4. Wish I could find such good looking melons here. They are always...lately...a disappointment when I buy one and cut it open. Tasteless. Maybe I'm just dreaming of being a kid again and any watermelon would taste wonderful!

  5. I really like Kitchen cantaloupe.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  6. They are often sweet and so juicy. Love the shots.

  7. We have been enjoying melons here at our place. These look inviting!


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