Friday, October 13, 2023

Puddle Photos #SkywatchFriday

While I wait for the fall foliage event to move into full gear, I am going to entertain you today with some puddle pictures on this Friday the 13th.

We've had a lot of rain here in the Southern Tier of New York.  Fortunately, we've escaped the flooding others have had.   However, the fall color isn't here quite yet.

Trees, a puddle, and, in the background, a river.

Puddles almost all in a row. 

Watching the sky is so much fun, even if it's from the vantage point of a reflection.

Joining Yogi and other sky watchers each Friday for #SkywatchFriday.


  1. ...I love your puddle art, it is so dry here that puddles are a distant memory.

  2. Puddles can be so interesting. I’m a bit surprised you don’t have peak foliage yet.

  3. Puddle pictures are a favorite of mine, I love the perspective of the reflections. Although I have to admit that some of those puddles have an ominous look, like black holes.

  4. 'Puddle Art'! Good term for it! Beautiful! We're almost done our colourful season. Longer this year than any I can remember!

  5. Bei den Pfützen werden Kindheitserinnerungen wach!

  6. Creative puddle photos ~ lovely !

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. If you get it just right, you can flip the photo and we wonder which was is up :)

  8. Those puddles look very beautiful with all the reflections.

  9. Nice pictures and I do like the term "puddle art."

  10. I've been getting notices all day that rain will be starting in ___ minutes. I haven't seen a drop.

  11. Different types of puddles are fascinating.

  12. I'm always up for good puddle photos and yours are great!!


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