Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Greenstar Scarecrows #WordlessWednesday

Can you stand one more post about scarecrows?  Please say "Yes".

These scarecrows were in the Greenstar food co op in Ithaca, New York when spouse and I shopped there a couple of weeks ago.  Apparently there was a contest going on and members (which we are not) could vote for their favorite.

Which one would you have chosen? (Note, I don't know who won).

Number 1

Number 2 (apparently, his name is Randy).

Number 3

Joining Sandee's #Wordless Wednesday at her blog Comedy Plus.


  1. ...yes of course. Our scarecrows are white this morning, we are having our first snow.

  2. LOL I would had chosed 2. Randy we could be friends heheh!
    Have a scarecrowtastic week 👍

  3. I like Randy the best. All of them are great though.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  4. Randy. No surprise there as I like the more traditional ones!

  5. I like the first image. Anyway, there are all so funny!
    Happy WW and a fine November!!❤️😘

  6. Scarecrows are everywhere around you. How fun. I guess I would go with #1, but I could be persuaded to change my mind.

  7. Number 2 would be my choice ~ colorful and creative but they are all good ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter, and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Thanks for more scarecrow photos

  9. Well, let me tell ya about dem camels (especially the ones with the lipstick), it's DAVE... (bethere2day,com) he loves camels especially the ones with the lipstick. He gets a good hoot out of them. He's from London and a friend for a very long time. Love you Post today... have a great day! So, many scarecrows... woo hoo! We didn't get any trick or treaters last night. What a bummer! Want some candy lil' girl?????? hahaha HUGS HAVE A GREAT REST OF YOUR WEEK!

  10. Maybe sometime I will figure out linky thing.
    Sometime I would like to try to do a scarecrow.
    Coffee is on.

  11. Yes, of course. The human mind is very creative, even on the subject of scarecrows, and I like creativity. The more scary, the better. Those in your post are 'mild' :)

  12. I like Randy. He'd be right at home in my neck of the woods. :)


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