Thursday, November 2, 2023

After the Frost

On the morning of November 1, we had our first frost.  This morning, we had our first freeze, and a dusting of snow (I haven't gone out yet to face it.)

The end of the growing season always brings sadness to my heart.  

But there is also beauty. 

Frost on sage leaves.

Frost on euphorbia.

Astilbe leaves.

More leaves.

Toad lily flowers survived in our back yard but they probably didn't survive the freeze this morning.  I haven't looked yet.

For Halloween, we had the grand total of 10 trick or treaters.  Anyone for candy?

Yesterday, we had snow showers (above freezing so it didn't stick) and some sleet.  Maybe it was just as well as the town sent the leaf vacuum machine down the street yesterday.  It was a little premature, I think.  Many leaves still haven't fallen so we are fortunate we didn't get more than a dusting of snow.

Now, we'll have to get to work and rake up our lawn.

No matter what the calendar says, winter has arrived.

RIP fall.


  1. ...yesterday we didn't have a frost, we had SNOW!

  2. Winter may have arrived where you are, but it is still late summer-ish here. Our "winter" generally arrives in January - if at all.

  3. We had the thinnest of frosts this morning. Down here, it's really mostly fall and summer. We have five minutes of spring, maybe ten of winter.

  4. We also had frost and cold days ahead. Oh well. Winter is cozy.

  5. Toad lilies are so pretty. I tried growing them from seed, then read they have to be fresh seeds, not old purchased online. Maybe so. November is coming in like a lion! I have rain today, so warmer at least. Dark. Very dark out.

  6. You took some beautiful photos here. I love the last one. Yes, winter is a comin'

  7. You had more trick-or-treaters than we did. We never get any. (It's a condo complex with a neighborhood of houses across the street. The kids all go across the street.)

  8. Woke up to snow yesterday morning. Since there are no children on my street and it was freezing, I too have lots of M and Ms. Thinking of making cookies.

  9. The leaves are looking pretty and diverse.


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