Saturday, January 20, 2024

Do Better Idaho

Strange that I need to give publicity to an advertisement I detest.  I've seen this on our local TV several times this week.

In this commercial a family freaks out because they are being served homegrown (from the backyard garden) potatoes rather than Idaho potatoes.  Even the dog shames this woman.

Sorry, Idaho.  We've grown our own potatoes for years in our community garden (not in Idaho), and when we run out, we buy more at the farmers market from a local farmer. This past year, we even grew some potatoes in our small front yard in a bag.

Shame on that woman for not buying from a state possibly hundreds of miles away and instead, serving her family fresh and homegrown produce lovingly tended by her.

Dear Idaho, no offense, but we will continue to grow our own, or purchase from local farmers.  It's the right thing to do.

You can do better than shame family gardeners and local growers, Idaho!

Do better. 


  1. ...and the politics in Idaho suck!

  2. I love it! Family on my mother's side actually live in Idaho and grow potatoes there. I don't think they are militant about it though. Everybody in Idaho calls them spuds. My mother was militant and would disparage growers in Oregon who put "Idaho Potatoes" on their sacks.
    The cool thing about having family who grows potatoes is that they let their friends and family go out in the fields and glean the spuds that the machines rejected for being too small or mishapen, which is typically a lot of potatoes.

  3. I’m from Long Island. The house I live in was once a potato field. There aren’t many potato farms on Long Island, the suburbs have taken over. But the eastern portion of the island is still agricultural. If I have a choice between local produce or produce that was grown elsewhere, I’m choosing local produce,

  4. What a strange ad. The official state vegetable of Oregon is the potato, so Idaho can go lump it! Tom hit the nail on the head anyway, Idaho politics suck!

  5. How ridiculous! That would certainly not incline me to buy Idaho potatoes.

  6. I have not seen this ad before. How irritating.


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