Sunday, January 7, 2024

Door Shadows #ShadowshotSunday

 Shadow on a closet door December 14.

A shadow on our back door on a rare appearance of the sun during golden hour on January 5.

Important note:  The linky for Shadowshot Sunday has moved, due to the retirement of the previous hoster Magical Mystical Teacher.  This meme is now hosted by Lisa's Garden Adventure in Oregon blog and today's linky can be found here.  Thank you, Lisa, for taking this over.

The rules remain the same:

1 - Post a shadow photo (or two!) 

2 - click the Mister Linky on Lisa's blog and add the link to your post 

3 - Link back to the post on Lisa's blog to show your readers you've joined up

It's as simple as that!

I hope you will join us.



  1. Nice shot of the back door. Gray and miserable here today, no shadows

  2. Some playful door shadows you have for us today.

  3. Your post reminds me of the british famous band 'The Shadows'. Their last tour was in 2004.

  4. Love shadows as they are nature's painter

  5. Glad you were able to get some shadows.


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