Saturday, January 6, 2024

CommuniTEA Time

In talking to the friendly librarians last month at Your Home Library in Johnson City library, one of them told me they would be setting up a community tea "lending library" during the early part of January.  This used card catalog uses their seed lending catalog, so the tea library will only be operating until the seeds come in sometime in February.

It started to operate a few days ago and is called the CommuniTEA library. 

Unlike the other tea library in our area, this tea isn't obtained from contributions from library patrons.  These were purchased from a New York State tea company called Harney & Sons Fine Teas, located in the Hudson Valley in Millerton New York.

There's a limit of two bags per patron.  These are the two I chose.

It's certainly an interesting concept.


  1. ...a good use for the card catalog.

    1. One of our libraries uses a card catalog for small hygiene supplies for patrons who need them. I saw a lot of the old card catalogs being used for various things when I went on the library visit tour this past summer.

  2. Replies
    1. I brewed the Earl Gray this afternoon. It smelled so good when I took it out of the wrapper - so nice and fresh. It was good.

  3. What a gorgeous card catalog! I rather miss them, although digital and from home is nice.

    1. I wish we could have both card in the library and digital-at-home. Sometimes I think I could do a search quicker in a card catalog than online, but maybe I would find my card skills are rusty.

  4. The wooden drawers look so vintage like. The tea bag packaging is fantastic too

  5. Our library has a seed exchange but I’ve never seen a tea library. Interestingly, they are so busy that they are going to build an addition.

  6. A tea lending library sounds a bit different and fun!

  7. That is an interesting concept. You'll have to let us know if you enjoyed the tea.


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