Saturday, March 16, 2024

Chipmunk vs Feeder Round 1

Yesterday, I sat outside and read, but I was so distracted by an Eastern chipmunk's antics that I decided to take some pictures.  My spouse has been battling this chipmunk, which is determined to feast on the seeds we intend for our local birds.

The chipmunk makes his approach.

Our feeder has been protected by a store bought baffle but it didn't seem to be working so spouse tried to make his own.  

Let's see how that is going to work out.  The homemade baffle is that shinymetal thing on the pole.  The feeder is at the top right of the photo.

Mr. or Ms. chipmunk eats some seeds scattered by the birds.  I'll call him a male.

He thinks.  These creatures are smart and persistent.

What if I jump up and hit the baffle, Mr. Chipmunk wonders.  Some birds are such sloppy eaters that they shovel seeds onto the baffle.  Yes, his logic works.  A shower of seeds await him when he hits the underside of the battle.  But finally, he runs out of seed showers.

After several rounds of hit the baffle, he finally figures out how to get up to the feeder.

Chipmunk 1 spouse 0.

But no worries, sports fans.  The battle was rejoined today with a second baffle a foot or 18 inches above the first one.  It is far from elegant but so far it seems to be working.

But, as the newly awakened from winter slumber chipmunk knows, the season has just begun.

Let the chipmunk or squirrel vs. bird feeder battles begin.


  1. Squirrels and Chipmunks require a constant battle.

  2. ...I've never had a chipmunk eat out of a feeder, they clean up the ground.

  3. Aww... all that work, I'd let him have his own little feeder!

  4. I have already trapped and killed one red squirrel this season. They are the ones that chew through the siding to get inside. Ugh!

  5. How did he get past the baffle?


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