Friday, March 15, 2024

Flowers and Skies #SkywatchFriday #GardenBloggersBloomDay

Today is Friday, March 15.  It is the Ides of March, and time for two memes:  the 15th of each month Garden Bloggers Bloom Day hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens, and the every Friday Skywatch Friday, hosted by Yogi.

Where do I begin?  How about with the sky, and then to the flowers?  Nothing to beware of, either way.

Like so many others in the United States, our winter has been mild, and we have things blooming that shouldn't be blooming.

Like this tree on a local walking trail.

We have skies that aren't the usual skies of mid-March.

For the flowers, the winter has been kind to my zone 6b (it is going to take a while for me to get used to this reclassification) garden.  For today here are my flowers, both inside and out.

Purple crocus.

White crocus.

Yellow crocus.

Perennial vinca.

A couple of tiny flowers.  First, a viola that survived the winter in a pot which was dug into by squirrels is putting forth one tiny flower.  It opened yesterday.


And a wildflower, speedwell.  Does that count?  I'm counting it.  It's in my flower garden.

Last but not least, the impatiens I rooted and kept alive indoors.

Bonus - my yew (I think) bushes are flowering.  From what I understand, this is a male flower.  Yews have male and female plants.

Sadly, winter will return early next week, but did I ever enjoy the sneak preview Nature gave us over the last couple or three days.

So that wraps up the Ides of March and Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, and Skywatch Friday.

I hope you enjoyed them.


  1. ...of course speedwell counts!

  2. Lovely crocus, finally! My vinca is going crazy for the first time. It must be over 10 years old, and struggled where it was. Now, it wants to take over the front and I'm a bit sorry! Such a color though.

  3. Coming to western NY next week to enjoy similar skies...and an eclipse!

  4. I can't think of any more beautiful sight than crocuses to herald the spring.

  5. Beautiful skywatch photos!
    Nice assortment of blooms - love the Crocus, all three of them.
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  6. Nice you are having an early spring. Beautiful blooms and really pretty skies!

  7. So many memes... Pretty flowers. I hope the return of winter isn't too rough or perhaps it doesn't materialize at all.

  8. Fun photos! We're a bit ahead of you in Missouri -- the daffodils and forsythia are in full bloom and the pear trees got going a couple of days ago.

  9. That's one very inviting walking path, Alana. I love the Crocus, which invoke envy in me. Best wishes for a very abundant spring season!

  10. Lovely crocus! So nice to have them at this time of year. Such an cheering sight. Happy GBBD!

  11. The crocus really feel like pansies to me

  12. Beautiful flowers, to me, if it is blooming, it counts. So ready for spring here in Kentucky.

  13. Wonderful little blossoms. I do love the crocus.


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