Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The Flowers of Late May

I want to celebrate this month before it speeds past me.   So let's take a minute to stop and soak in the beauty of the flowers in my front and back yards.

I hope I can have these flowers for years to come.  I consider myself so fortunate that I have a yard.  I grew up in an apartment building in the Bronx (New York City) and this was a lifelong dream, just to have flowers of my own.  Every spring is like a little miracle all over again.

My bearded iris.  

Most of mine are this variety. Picture taken May 24.  These have a grape kool aid like scent. 

I have two bearded iris I got years ago at a plant sale and I keep forgetting I have them until they bloom. Both of these were taken May 26.


On the other hand, this chive flower at our community garden plot probably smells a lot like onion.  The bee doesn't mind.

I have two rhododendrons.  These are close to forty years old now.

Light pink.


What else?  I'll end with this from my back yard hanging baskets - fuchsia.

All my yard needs now is a hummingbird - a story for another day.


  1. ...I love bearded iris, as a kid we called them flags, because they flower at Memorial Day.

  2. So lovely to see beautiful flowers. I like irises but never think to grow them. However, we have three clumps of chives, all blooming brightly. May seems to be pink and purple in my garden.

  3. You have some nice flowers. I really love iris's. We have some in our yard that my wife transplanted from her grandmother's house in western Oklahoma.

  4. I'm sure a hummingbird (or more) will find you. They're fun to have around.

  5. We called the iris "flags" and they were so beautiful. The purple was always my favorite. Seeing the ages of the plants was amazing. thecontemplativecat here.

  6. thecontemplativecat here. Such lovely flowers. We called the iris "flags". Loved the purple colors.

  7. May does seem to be the month of flowers, doesn't it? Yours are beautiful.

  8. One of the wonderful things about iris is the fact they need dividing, so you have them to give and others have them to give you! Mine are all either curb freebies, or from a friend when she divided hers. Same with daylilies. One thing I don't like is how short their season is, mine are gone but one plain purple curb freebie.


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