Saturday, June 29, 2024

Daylily Celebration

I've been busy today (partially with indoor plants) and I'm a little late in posting.

My dayliles are blooming and it's time to show them off.

It's raining today so I am showing some photos from earlier this week.  Here, ruffled.

Lemon, complete with ant.
I love this color.

For some reason, this one is never facing in a direction that makes it easy for me to photograph because my bed has so many daylilies in it now. Too bad, because this is one of my favorites.

Really, all of them are my favorites.

More tomorrow.  (Maybe).


  1. The lilies are looking fabulous

  2. What a lovely variety of day lilies - such easy, rewarding plants.

  3. Those are great. I hope you had a nice busy day (instead of a stressful busy one).


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