Sunday, June 30, 2024

Shadowy June Flowers #ShadowshotSunday

Today, on this last day of June, let's celebrate some of my flowers. 

Orange day lily.

Red ganzania (African daisies).

Variegated geranium.  These are orange but for some reason, always photograph as red.

Peach day lily.

Joining with Lisa at Lisa's Garden Adventures for her #ShadowshotSunday.  We'd love you to come out the shadows and join us.  All you need is one shadow photo and it doesn't even have to be of a flower. 


  1. ...always stop to enjoy the flowers.

  2. Lovely blooms. I really like geraniums, particularly the smell of the leaves. Scented geraniums I like very much, too.

  3. Well, you got some blooms to celebrate about!!

  4. Nice! I love that last daylily. And the shadows they all make on themselves.


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