Thursday, August 15, 2024

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day August 2024

Flower lovers, assemble!  It's the 15th of the month and time for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, brought to us each 15th of the month by Carol at May Dreams Gardens and participating  flower loving bloggers from all over the world.

I'm so happy that I have a garden to show you in my zone 5b Southern Tier of New York yard.  A hotter than normal summer with more rain than usual meant a lush garden but if this week had been last week, I would have been dodging rain after rain to get some wet photos. The remnants of Debby weren't kind to parts to the east and west of us, too.  We were so fortunate in comparison, but please rain, go somewhere it is needed next time!

I took some of  these pictures on August 13, but let's call it the 15th.  At least it was warm (not hot) and just so beautiful I couldn't resist.  Good thing, too, because yesterday afternoon, out of nowhere it - you guessed it - started to rain.


Cardinal flower, a native.  After a year of sleep, a year of creep, we have the year of leap.  This is one of several flower spikes.

Last month I showed you a pansy that had come back to life from last year in a hanging basket.  This time I start with a real mystery. We saw these two young plants in another basket stored in our garage a month or two ago, brought them out and we were rewarded...

...with this.  Two petunias; one started to bloom over the weekend.  I'm so glad that I'm neglectful about cleaning out last year's hanging baskets.  

What's left of our tall phlox.  It was its best year ever. 

Almost the last sweet pea.  I grew the plants from seed and am amazed I got the bumper crop I got this past month or more. 

My purple leafed loosestrife, normally a July bloomer, extended into August this year.  It's just about finished up.  I took this picture from the back. You can see the front in my July GBBD post. 

My last non-repeating daylily, taken August 13.

Lavender petunia.  This is part of one plant.

Nodding onion.  This is the first year this has bloomed (we're at the end of the bloom period) and I was pleased by this plant.

Last but not least, ganzania.

Next GBBD we will be on the cusp of fall.  It's hard to believe.

With the bounty of the summer, I have other flowers I can show you, but I'll end it here.  I hope you will visit some other Garden Bloggers Bloom Day participants (link is here) and see what else is blooming.

Is anything blooming for you, inside or outside?


  1. Gorgeous flowers. Unexpected bloomers are a bonus.

  2. You have a lot of lovely flowers still! I like the phlox, something I've never been able to keep alive.

  3. Very pretty!
    My favorites are the Phlox and the Hibiscus.
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  4. I adore flowers of any shape and color. Yet I'm not goodat all, with names.
    I envy the ease with which you name the flowers in your post.

  5. The garden is so exquisite in deed

  6. The garden flowers are so diverse and pretty

  7. thecontemplativecat here Your flowers are so lovely. Here is S. CA, our flowers are desert and heat tolerant. I have lavender, roses, succulents, geraniums...and more. They make me feel peaceful.

  8. Beautiful flowers. I wish we could have a garden but I live in an apartment. We have a small place to grow some stuff but it's so small.

  9. thecontemplativecat here Such lovely flowers. beautiful garden! I have roses (previous owner) geraniums, lavender, lilacs, and succulents. Desert climates in S. CA are hard on other plants.

  10. I love that hibiscus and the lavender petunia. Beautiful flowers.

  11. All beautiful! I just have what ever reseeds itself and doesn't winterkill:)

  12. What a great collection. I'm sorry you've been inundated with rain. (The thought of rain in the summer doesn't compute with this CA gal.) I hope you have many more days of nice summer weather.

  13. Beautiful blooms! Happy gardening!

  14. Such beautiful blooms. Very nice.


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