Friday, August 16, 2024

August Clouds #SkywatchFriday

Let's play Let's Pretend with clouds.  These were taken Sunday, a few minutes apart from each other.

A new mountain peak for our area?  What should we call it?

 A cloud parfait?  Oh, that cream on top....

The parfait starts to break up.

It rained the day after these pictures were taken, because of course it did. 

Joining Yogi and other skywatchers each Friday for SkywatchFriday.  Why not join in on the fun, too?  All you need is a photo of the sky.


  1. ...clouds add a punch to an August sky.

  2. I love seeing images in clouds. As a kid I would lay on the grass and watch the summer clouds move across the Utah sky in all sorts of shapes.

  3. Clouds are endlessly fascinating and some days seem endlessly present ;-) Beautiful photos.

  4. You have a great imagination! Love the mountain peak.

  5. Great variety of cloud photos ~ Wow!

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. That last photo has such a bright blue sky. Lovely. I'd like some rain.

  7. It's fascinating how the clouds change over time.

  8. I see a dog face in the first cloud, so I’ll call it Mt. Dogface.


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