Saturday, August 17, 2024

Wildflowers of Mid-August

It's mid-August, and today I'd like to show you some wildflowers along the Vestal Rail Trail in the southern tier of New York State.  My spouse and I like to walk on this rail trail for exercise and there is always something new to see.

A bee was feeding off this goldenrod but I didn't capture it in my photo.

Here's some more goldenrod in a shady spot.

Queen Anne's lace has been blooming for weeks but I couldn't resist this self sowed by nature flower garden with a scattering of blue chicory flowers at the bottom.

And now, the invasives.   Sweet autumn clementis, which is lovely but is also becoming increasingly invasive.

Purple loosestrife.

Our worst invasive, Japanese knotweed, is ready to bloom and will probably be opening its flowers in the next day or so. 

Summer is moving so quickly.  Fall will be here before we know it.  So let's enjoy these wildflowers while they are blooming.


  1. ...Japanese knotweed is a serious pest!!!

  2. The evenings are drawing in quite markedly and some of the trees are just beginning to turn. The year has passed quickly, but the autumn colours are a joy.

  3. I love purple loosestrife, it's a shame it's invasive. Oregon has it as a weed, a "perennial aquatic invader." It's so pretty, especially in mass where it ought not be, like the damp areas along side the roads.

  4. Goldenrod is definitely one of my favorite wildflowers!

  5. What lovely scenery for your walk.

  6. My community made a serious effort to eradicate purple loosestrife in the 1990's but I am noticing it popping up again. I have two autumn clematis that self-sowed in my garden. I cut them down every year and they just go wild.

  7. thecontemplativecat here You have some awesome blooms. even the invading species are lovely.

  8. There plenty of golden rod in North Idaho.


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