Thursday, October 3, 2024

What Do They Have In Common?

Here's a little quiz for my readers.

What do the following companies have in common?  A deodorant company, a bath remodeling company, flavored water, a fitness business, a security business, a couple of tax relief companies, a lose-weight business, a house gutter business, a seafood business, a replacement window business, and a company that insures car repair costs.

I'm not naming the guilty companies with their business names because I don't want to give them publicity.

Answer:  they all spam me.  Continuously.

I have to believe that it doesn't cost much to have someone send emails out to perhaps millions of people.  I'm sure people out there are responding.  Oh yes, I need to have work on my gutters, or I have a window that needs replacing,  so let me click on this email coming from someone with the weirdest email address imaginable who just randomly picked me out of all the people in the known universe psychically knowing I needed their product. Sign me up!

On second thought, don't.

These are all legitimate companies, too.  Most of the business names you would immediately recognize. But if you send me three emails a week, that's spam.  I don't care who you are.  Stop filling my mailbox up.

Do you know how I respond? I don't unsubscribe.  Besides deleting said emails, I don't buy their products.  Period.

No, wait.  There is an exception.  There's one company I started getting spam emails from and it was a beverage company whose delicious product I was already purchasing.  So I decided to email them and respectfully told them I was disappointed they were taking this route.  And you know what?  They responded with this email:

"Hey [AM]:
Thanks very much for reaching out. We apologize for the number of emails that have made their way to you. We sincerely try to balance good commerce with good communication. Certain customers enjoy getting them and some don’t. We are working on getting better at predicting this.

We also wanted to provide this link for you here: [website link] where you can manage preferences and reduce the number of emails you receive from us.

Again, please accept my apologies on behalf of everyone at [beverage company] We really appreciate all of your continued support and are really glad to hear you have been enjoying our [product]! :)

[Real Person's name]

It's nice to know there's a good corporate citizen out there.And (this was a while back) the emails did stop.

Maybe there is hope.

If you've had similar experiences, please feel free to vent, or compliment, in the comments.


  1. And here I was asking the clerk in a well-known store why I was no longer receiving their emails. I, fortunately, do not have your problem.

  2. I must eliminate 90% of my emails, which are junk. Unsubscribing would become a full-time job. Glad to know there are "nice" companies out there.

  3. These spam emails are highly annoying and I spend more time than I'd like unsubscribing when I never subscribed or meant to subscribe in the first place.

  4. I don't really get a lot of spam. Apparently I haven't (yet) done whatever it is that triggers it. But when I do get it, I just automatically delete it. It's just part of being online.

  5. ...I just get emails from politicians!

  6. Spam used to upset me greatly. Nowadays I get so much that I just throw it out.

  7. I get so many emails from companies, but I opted in on most of them. I'm looking for sales. But when other newsletters find me, I start with unsubscribe and then move it to junk. I tend to delete a lot of emails unread on my phone. Just swipe left and hit delete.

  8. Great post! It's frustrating how relentless spam emails can be, even from well-known companies. Sounds like you handled that situation with the beverage company perfectly. Too bad more companies don’t follow suit. I just posted new content, I invite you to read

  9. It's pleasing that you had a generous response from a real person. It makes the effort worthwhile.

  10. I'm inundated with spam. Unsubscribing seems to make no difference.


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