Monday, January 27, 2025

Cold as Winter #MusicMovesMe

It's Monday and it's time for music! 

Today I am joining up with other Music Moves Me bloggers (and you can join us at the linky above). We are a group of music loving bloggers who blog about music each Sunday or Monday (or even later in the week). If you have music to share with us, you are most welcome to join! (Music Posts Only-meaning at least one music video, please! Otherwise, your post may be labeled "No Music".  

Our head host is Xmas Dolly, and our co-hosts are Cathy from Curious as a Cathy, joined by the knowledgeable Stacy of Stacy Uncorked and, last but not least, me.

Every other week we have a theme.  This week's theme is "artists, bands or songs that make you think of cold weather."  

Here in New York State, I don't need artists, bands, or songs to make me think of cold weather.  All I have to do is step outside.

What I hate about winter the most is ice. I'll devote my first two selections to that slippery substance.

Here's Vanilla Ice and his 1990 song Ice Ice Baby.  Maybe I like it so much because of his sampling of David Bowie/Queen's Under Pressure.  Or maybe all the dancing warms me up?

Foreigner and Cold as Ice.

Let's warm up more by some fast heavy metal.  Here's Metallica - Trapped under Ice.

Or, we can go the classical route with Winter from the Four Seasons by Vivaldi.  I love that violin.

Finally, from Season Six of Game of Thrones (which I have never watched) here is Winter has Come.

And that's a wrap!

Join me again next week for another episode of Music Moves Me.


  1. ...a warmup is coming this weekend.

  2. Including Winter from Four Seasons was a classy touch. Nicely done. Have a blessed week.

  3. Great hits. Have a beautiful Monday.

  4. I couldn't sit through Metalica..too painful but Vivaldi? Oh yes!! Great choice and that girlnus amazing? ..i habent watched Theones either but the musuc is great..

  5. These are such good songs. Foreigner is such a great band. They have so many great songs.

  6. Vivaldi's Four Seasons was one of my first introductions to the world of classical music. I love it still.

  7. I'll take the snow over ice any day. Nothing or no one goes anywhere on that stuff. That's usually what we get. I really hate that kind of weather! I'm just so happy DH works at home and he doesn't have worry about treacherous driving conditions. Y'all stay safe and keep warm and have a boogietastic week, darlin'! xo

  8. I love Vivaldi and didn't even have Vanilla Ice on the radar, a great choice.

  9. Nice choices. The Game of Thrones is new to me as I have never seen the show.

  10. What a great idea. I love your selections. I'll have to try to join this next round. Take care and have a good week.


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