Sunday, January 26, 2025

Diner Shadows #ShadowshotSunday

Taken in a historic diner in Owego, New York.

Don't you love those stools and the glass tiles?  

Joining Lisa at Lisa's Garden Adventure for her #ShadowshotSunday.


  1. ...we love diners and saw two the Binghamton area, but missed this one.

  2. They don't look very comfortable!

  3. Yep, Love them, sign me up. Not enough places like that.

  4. Don't see many diners any more. This one looks super cute. I love the glass and stools.

  5. That's a great image. I do hate sitting on stools, though. Better to just keep them in photographs :)

  6. Those are very nice! I can just imagine how many hope they can spin around on the stools!


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