Sunday, January 19, 2025

Stories in Snow #ShadowshotSunday

Not too many shadows this time of year, but I am going with some animal tracks in snow in my yard photographed this past week.

I am calling these streaks "shadows".

The last two are from Friday.

I haven't looked these up - yet.  I should.  Maybe.  What stories they could tell for those who know how to read them.

Joining Lisa at Lisa's Garden Adventure for her #ShadowshotSunday.


  1. Such lovely footprints - I wonder what they are? Raccoon? Squirrel?

  2. ...visitors leave reminders of their visits in the snow.

  3. Our local forecast calls for a low temperature of 18 degrees F. on Tuesday and a possibility of snow. I have my doubts about the snow but it is going to be exceptionally cold for our Gulf Coast area this week.

  4. It looks like shadows to me. Interesting ones.

  5. Fun! Let us know what you find out. I wonder if that last is cats? Do you have rabbits? The can leave those sort of long marks in the first photo. Maybe they rest their back legs down?

  6. These footprints tell a story for each frame

  7. How cool. Some critter passed this way.


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