Sunday, January 19, 2025

Stories in Snow #ShadowshotSunday

Not too many shadows this time of year, but I am going with some animal tracks in snow in my yard photographed this past week.

I am calling these streaks "shadows".

The last two are from Friday.

I haven't looked these up - yet.  I should.  Maybe.  What stories they could tell for those who know how to read them.

Joining Lisa at Lisa's Garden Adventure for her #ShadowshotSunday.


  1. Such lovely footprints - I wonder what they are? Raccoon? Squirrel?

  2. ...visitors leave reminders of their visits in the snow.

  3. Our local forecast calls for a low temperature of 18 degrees F. on Tuesday and a possibility of snow. I have my doubts about the snow but it is going to be exceptionally cold for our Gulf Coast area this week.


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