Friday, January 17, 2025

The Sun Appears! #SkywatchFriday

 Sometimes, on an otherwise cloudy day where I live in the Southern Tier of New York, the sun will make a brief appearance (especially in the morning, for some reason).  On January 12 I was fortunate enough to be out walking when I realized I was looking at blue sky.

I decided to take this picture.  When do I see clouds like that in January?  Not often.

About a half hour before sunset, I took another picture.  Now, that's more like it.

But the sky wasn't finished with me yet.  On January 15, I took this picture looking to the south.  It's so grim it looks like it was taken in black and white but trust me, it's a color picture.

Perhaps five minutes later, I realized that the sun was shining if I looked to the east.

I love the changing sky.

Joining Yogi and other skywatchers each Friday for #SkywatchFriday.


  1. Blue skies are great for lifting mood

  2. They are all so beautiful...the sky changes and reveals so many different moods all the time. I'm so glad you clicked them and shared them here, Alana! So nice visiting your lovely blog after a long time. Here's wishing you a very happy and blessed year in 2025! And looking forward to your sky captures too!

  3. The sky is an ever-changing palette of colour and pattern.

  4. ...oh, so that's what a blue sky looks like?

  5. Snow is pretty, I'll give it that much. I like it for a couple of days! Long enough to take pretty pictures!

  6. Our skies have been mostly bright blue with white puffy clouds this week. But the forecasters tell us gray skies and rain are coming this weekend. All part of the ever-changing weather tableau.

  7. I love the terrific sky shots that you got. I love the cloudy, overcast days that we get this time of year.

  8. Gorgeous sky and clouds! The blue lightens the mood.

  9. A true blogger you are, taking the photos on the fly.

  10. I love the changing sky too. Pretty photos. I did think that one was in b&w!

  11. Those rich blue skies with big fluffy clouds on winter days is so nice. We had a good deal bit of sunshine yesterday and today. Our temperatures are quite mild for a change but this is just a tease. Things are fixing to get wicked again come Sunday. Brrr, I'm so tired of the cold. Fabulous sky photos!

  12. Wow, that really does look like to switched it to black & white. Very gray day. I'm glad to hear you're getting a little sun, if only a little.

  13. A little sun is better than none, especially in January! Lovely photos, Alana.


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