Sunday, February 16, 2025

A Hope for Spring #ShadowshotSunday

It will be a while before my jonquils bloom, but I recently rediscovered this picture taken in the spring of 2017.

Yesterday, more snow and ice.  Today, more rain.  I'm longing for spring flowers but it will be a while longer.  Patience....

Joining Lisa at Lisa's Garden Adventure for her #ShadowshotSunday. 


  1. ...and we had a beautiful snow yesterday, woke to rain and now it's snowing.

  2. I miss northern spring flowers - yours were beautiful

  3. As I look out my library window, I can see that the daffodils around the the front yard birdbath are sending out buds and will soon be blooming. Spring is, indeed, creeping over the windowsill. Of course here near the Gulf of Mexico spring is brief as we rush headlong into summer, but we shall enjoy it while it lasts!

  4. Beautiful flowers, its getting close to daffodil time here in Tulsa.

  5. They'll be up casting shadows before long! I hope before long!

  6. I love narcissi. Great image for hoping for spring.

  7. It'll be here before you know it.


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