Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Beautiful Mystery Cat #WordlessWednesday

Any guesses what breed this cat is?


This 13 year old cat, owned by someone we know, is possibly the friendliest cat I've ever experienced, coming right up to people, asking to be petted.  Doesn't eat plants.  Doesn't rip up furniture.  I met him or her (I forgot which!) for the first time on Saturday.  They also told me the weight, which I forgot.

 But this cat's servants don't know the cat's breed. 

I did not take measurements and, unfortunately, this picture doesn't show the tail.

My cat identifier function on my iPhone guesses either Norwegian forest cat or Maine Coon Cat.  

My dear cat loving friends:  any guesses?


Joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for her #WordlessWednesday.



  1. Probably an all-American mixed breed with long hair, but could have NFC or MCC in the mix. Or just an oversized Manx mix with American Long Hair, like our unforgettable Graybelle.

    Mixed breeds can be some of the most lovable pets!

    Pris cilla King

  2. ...well it's a fluffy cat for sure!

  3. That cat looks just like our cat Sophie who we lost a couple years ago. Beautiful cat.

  4. I do not know anything about your questions, but this cat seems to be different, not only about you've said, but about the look. My first ideea was... a fox! You may laugh hard...
    Happy WW, Alana! A fine week ahead!💗😘


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