Sunday, March 23, 2025

Early Spring Shadows #ShadowshotSunday

Many of our native trees are blooming.  Soon, leaves will appear and you won't find shadows like this.

Bare trees have a certain beauty, as do their shadows.

And, the crocuses are blooming.

This is the nice parts of spring.

But, our changeable weather struck again - a handful of hours after I took this picture, it clouded over, rained, and the temperature dropped.  Winter still won't let go but at least there were no severe weather events.  We've been fortunate so far.

Joining Lisa at Lisa's Garden Adventure for #ShadowshotSunday.


  1. ...we are enjoying shadows too.

  2. Spring and Winter are still playing tug of war.

  3. The crocus blooms are so sunny and cheery. I know that's a good feeling to have these little beauties greet you. :)

  4. Winter trees do make lovely spring shadows.

  5. It'll stay warmed up sooner rather than later. Sorry you had more gloom, though.

  6. I love warm early spring days. Great shadows, the blooms really stand out and life just seems better.


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