Friday, March 21, 2025

False Spring Skies #SkywatchFriday

Where I live in the Southern Tier of New York, it takes several weeks for winter and spring to fight it out.  True, spring officially began at 5:01 AM yesterday, but that doesn't mean anything to the weather.

Wednesday and yesterday, we had blue skies.

Wednesday, I went for a routine preventative test.  The hospital where it took place used to be a Catholic hospital and the new, secular owners have kept this grotto dedicated to the Virgin Mary.  I couldn't resist taking a picture.

Later on Wednesday, I was in Owego, New York.  Last week, I had become aware of a bald eagle's nest near the Susquehanna River.  A gentleman  pointed it out to me, and I took this picture.  You can't see it, but it's in the evergreen tree on the right, about two thirds of the way up.  I'm thinking there is a nesting pair in there as there is an eagle occasionally flying back and forth.

Finally, a blue sky from Thursday morning. 

The one bad thing about this weather - fire danger. Breeze and dried leaves are a bad combination. In fact, on Wednesday, there was a brush fire a few miles from here and several roads had to be closed for a time.

So why did I call this post False Spring Skies?  Because our short series of beautiful spring days ended yesterday, and winter has made a comeback.  It's going to be winter probably all next week, too.

It was nice while it lasted.  Hopefully, Spring will return soon for another try.

Joining Yogi and other skywatchers for #SkywatchFriday.


  1. Yeah, here too. It’s cold and wet, but the warmer days are coming

  2. There are downsides to every season, it seems. It's good to see the sun when it shows its face.

  3. ...spring is a tug-a-war with winter.

  4. Spring is a fickle friend...March can bring all kinds of weather.

  5. I'm in Michigan and we get the same weather mood swings! The grotto is so pretty!

  6. That happens here this time of year too. One day really sunny and the next cold. Great picture's.

  7. I'm glad you took the grotto photo, I like it very much.

  8. Spring lost the battle around here on Wednesday. We had booming thunder, lightning, pouring rain changing to sleet, followed by whipping winds and about 7 inches of snow. Electricity, cable, and internet all went off and on 3 or 4 times. Bring on spring. Please!

  9. In some places, winter takes a long time letting go.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  10. I hope it stays warmed up for you soon. Someone told our weather that it was spring, and our weather said, "okay," and we're now in the 70s. For the next two weeks, at least.


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