Monday, October 22, 2012

Yonkers Before the Zombies

The world is supposed to end in December of 2012. 

 What better time to release what was going to be the zombie film of all time, World War Z?  Based on the book by Max Brooks (Mel Brooks's son, not that it should matter but sometimes it does), I was so looking forward to this. (The film, which Brad Pitt was supposed to star in, is now delayed into 2013, if it ever gets released at all. What a (not) surprise!)

You see, I am secretly into zombie lit.  Not all of it but it does fit into the dystopian future literature, feed upon.

I was so looking forward to seeing the Battle of Yonkers.  Yonkers is a city in New York State that borders New York City on its north.  In World War Z, after New York City falls to the zombies, the U.S. Army makes a stand in Yonkers.  I'll leave it to your imagination how the battle ends.

Yonkers isn't worried, by the way.  They are too busy decorating for Halloween.  I should know - I visited Yonkers a couple of days ago.

On our way to a party yesterday, we passed a house that was incredibly decorated for zo....I mean, Halloween.
It was located on Kimball Avenue, in walking distance of the Cross County shopping center.
After the party, we went back.  It was getting dark, and floodlights had been turned on.
You can't see it in the photos but there was even an animated "dead" figure trying to crawl along the ground.  Not exactly a zombie, but it could have been.
Finally, it got too dark, and we left the house to its fate.

No one ever decorated for Halloween when I was growing up.  Now, it's getting to be almost as big a decorating holiday as Christmas has become.  And zombies are massively popular now, for reasons I could spend an entire week blogging about.

So Yonkers waits.  Patiently waits, for the zombies to come.

Brad, eat your heart out.


  1. That house with the Halloween decorations is wonderful. I also love zombies and vampires and sci fi and horror - not explicit violence horror, but I love weird and creepy. I haven't heard of that film so maybe it wasn't made?

  2. I was trying to come up with a clever way to make this comment SOUND like spam...but its too early in the morning for me, lol. Anyway, fun! As someone who celebrates Halloween year round, I appreciate a well decorated home...even if it IS zombies, lol.

  3. We made it! Phew. Not a fan of zombies, but I do love Halloween.


  4. Halloween has, indeed, become a huge holiday for decorating, a huge change since we were kids. Glad to know that for now you and Yonkers stayed safe from the zombies. (Mostly.)

  5. I don't see why spammers would find this a magnet. Unless they search for keywords like zombie.
    I think you should rebroadcast this for Halloween!

  6. Yonkers? Really?

    You know I'm into sciience fiction, fantasy and horror. Happy Halloween.

  7. I have no relationship to zombies, Haloween or any scary stuff. What I do have relation to though is Yonker. My grandmother used to have a big, big, old house there, perfectly fit for a horror movie! Sh passed long time ago, but might be visiting her old home now and then.... 👻 LOL

  8. Not a big zombie fan. And, if I recall, the movie didn't do all that well, did it? Ah well. Still plenty of zombie fiction around. Much of it good.

  9. I was also thinking of how to make a spam post, except for the fact that I think that Spam is inedible. So... instead... I'll talk about my relatives, the Zombies and the Vampires. But I digress. Come to think of it, I was saying nothing at all, so how can I digress from nothing. Still, this was an entertaining post, and I'm glad that you're getting real comments after six years!

  10. I have a couple of posts like this too, that for some weird reason, seem to attract spammers. Zombies are not my thing however! But the kids do love to dress up for Halloween, so I am still trick or treating with them. Happy Halloween :)

  11. Fun post! I wonder if the folks at that house still decorate like that?

  12. Thank you, all, for your comments!! It may be a while before I am back in Yonkers again, but the book World War Z is well worth reading.

  13. pps thanks for the book recommendation. TQ loves zombie movies and we watched World War Z - if I'm recalling correctly we weren't thrilled, it was too much about Brad Pitt running around being Brad Pitt, but I've actually heard other people say good things about the book.


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