Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Bionic Goldenrod and the Painful Aster

In upstate New York, we have had a much milder than normal fall.  Just a trace of snow.  Right now we have thick fog which will burn off later this morning - with a sunny, mild day predicted.

Near my house, a goldenrod still blooms, and it isn't even in a sheltered spot.  I am calling it my "bionic goldenrod".  I wonder when it will finally stop?
Near Windsor, NY - thanks to my "guest photographer"

Our hills are still green - sort of.

Beautiful color here and there.
These fluffy white things have seeds in them but I'm not sure of the plant they belong to.

And last but not least...I have been recovering from a painful attack of sciatica.  It is still difficult for me to do some things involving my legs.  So when I saw this aster near our walking trail, still in bloom, I tried to get down to take the picture.
I got a real nice one of the leaves but the aster, not so much.  Please excuse the blurriness.

What is the weather like for you today?


  1. Lovely autumn scenes. NOAA forecasts a milder than usual winter for your area. Maybe they got it right.

  2. It was a nice day. My weather app said it was 77 degrees. Sounds about right.

  3. Lovely pictures. I love the one of the leaves against the hills. Summer has just started here so we have warmer days and more sunlight hours. Hope your Winter is a mild one and hope you feel better soon.

  4. Nice Pics Alana and thanks to your guest photographer for sharing nice pics

  5. Nice pics. It is in the 40's here with lots of fog - and some black ice forming at night. Hope the sciatica gets better. I finally had to have surgery to fix mine.


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