Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Pez Bars #WordlessWednesday

For today, I'm digging into my photos.  I took this photo in a supermarket on July 3.

You've probably heard of Pez candy.  I loved the dispensers, and I loved the candy when I was growing up.  Many people, in fact, collect the dispensers.  There are literally thousands of different types.

 I'm positive I've blogged about Pez at least once, when I had the opportunity to visit the Pez factory's visitor center in Orange, Connecticut, but perhaps not.  I can't find the post. (I highly recommend visiting this if you want to feel like a kid again.  It was so much fun.  And it's not expensive.)


But, moving on, back in July I found this frozen treat.  I think they are only shaped and flavored like the Pez candy.  Hmm, strawberry or lemon?


Joining up with Sandee at Comedy Plus for her #WordlessWednesday.


  1. ...the PEZ dispensers where neat, the candy was awful!!!

  2. Just need a dispenser to go in your freezer that gives you one when you open the door.

  3. Do they come as little pellets with a dispenser?

    1. Yes. I was never crazy about the candy but I loved those dispensers.

  4. Fun for the winter days here ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. The dispensers are fun, and I love a factory tour. It can be anything and I'll go. Even to a sauerkraut tour one year, haha!

  6. No, I don't!😊 These kind of product are not on my wish list anyway, even I bet they are tasty. The idea of 'flavoured', from my perspective is pure chemistry! But If I would like the dispenser for some projects, I would take them also!
    Happy WWW Alana! A fine week ahead!❤️😘

  7. I loved them back in the day too. I want both flavors. Yummy.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  8. I remember them. The attraction was more in the dispenser than in what it contained as I recall.

  9. Oh yes, I'll have the strawberry flavor! I love Pez still. I bet the Pez factory is a fun and interesting place to visit.

  10. I didn't know there was anything Pez beyond the regular candy! The old dispensers are worth a lot. I'd try the lemon frozen. I kind of like Pez. One of my local stores has the refill packets sold in bulk.

  11. How fun, I've never seen that in my store.

  12. Pez dispensers were da bomb! They had Santa and a snowman around Christmas, and I remember when Batman was popular they had Batman, Robin, and the Joker. They ought to make those again.

  13. Super interesting dessert. I would try it.


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