Wednesday, October 4, 2017


I got the call right after lunch yesterday. It was from my husband.
"Please call your cousin P. immediately.  There's been a death in your family."

My Dad was one of six children.  Between the six of them, there were twelve of us, first cousins.  Until yesterday, that is.  Now there are eleven.

The death was unexpected. 

I was towards the middle of the pack, at age 64.  Six of us older than me.  Five of us younger than me.  I am waiting to find out the the final arrangements.

Death is inevitable.  I know a number of people who have lost a brother or sister already.  My cousin P. has joined that group. I will never suffer that pain, as an only child.

As we age, we lose those we love.  It's a fact of life.  If we live long enough, we will lose everyone - parents, siblings, our friends, possibly children.

But this death has made me thoughtful.  Sad.  Wistful.  My thoughts fly in many directions.

What happened to my cousin could happen to any of us.  One day, in some way, it will.

Day 4 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge #blogboost


  1. Sharing this news must have been hard. I'm so sorry for your loss, Alana, and have to admit that reading about it made me a little uneasy, too, about the losses to come. Be well, Alana.

  2. I am so sorry for your loss, Alana. I am the oldest of four sisters. We are the youngest of what was 15, but are now 14, first cousins. She was the oldest of my cousins, her children are my age, but still ...

  3. Being an only child, you may be closer to your cousins than most. Sympathies and prayers for you and your family.

  4. No words, except, sympathies and prayers for you and your family.

  5. Yes, Alana, we've crossed that threshold of life, where learning that a close friend, a relative, or a neighbor meets his (her) demise. A reminder that our efforts at making this world a better place need to become a little more urgent requirement in our busy schedules.

  6. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss Alana - but you're right, as we get older death seems to be so much closer to us. More real I guess.

  7. My dad was one of eleven, nine of whom grew to adulthood and raised LARGE families. My cousins almost outnumber the sands of the sea. But each is precious. Only a couple have passed on and I miss them both. But that is where I gain comfort from my beliefs. I believe we will be together again in the next life. Happy once again! I'm sorry you will be missing your precious cousin. But firm in my belief you will see them again! Thinking of you...

  8. Yes death is inevitable but still a shock when we get the news. May your cousin be at peace and watch over the family. "All the memories of the past, forever in your hearts will last". This is part of a poem I wrote when my mom passed away, may it offer you a bit of comfort.

  9. I'm so sorry. Losing someone this close in age and experience probably hits hard. Take the time to process and grieve.

  10. Even expected deaths affect us more than we suspected they would. I'm at the age when more of my friends are dying each year. All of us feel like we have targets on our backs now and we keep wondering who will be next. I wish you and your family peace and comfort.

  11. Praying for God's amazing comfort and strength for you and your family. Thank you for sharing and helping others who are going through this sad season.


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