Friday, January 4, 2019

Skylines #SkywatchFriday #blogboost

I was fortunate enough to be able to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas day in Brooklyn, part of New York City.  Parts of Brooklyn offer a wonderful view of the Manhattan skyline.

These pictures were taken from the Brooklyn Heights Promenade and (possibly, not sure) Brooklyn Bridge Park on December 25.

What a wonderful way to spend an early winter morning.  No snow!  Sunshine!

My son helped me take this panorama with my iPhone SE.  I love how it stretched the clouds.  The Brooklyn Bridge (on the right) adds even more beauty to the picture, from far away.
A more "common" view of some docks.

I loved seeing the blue sky, coming from upstate New York where it has rarely shone since October.
Another view of the  iconic Brooklyn Bridge in the distance.  You can also see (just about in the middle, in the distance) the Empire State Building.

Next week, I hope to show you some more parts of Brooklyn.

Join Yogi and the bloggers who watch the sky at #SkywatchFriday.

Day four of the Ultimate Blog Challenge #blogboost


  1. I went to college by the Bridge (my 'favoritest' in the world) and perambulated on the Heights promenade all the time. And, I still visit- so I enjoyed your providing me a virtual escapade.
    Note: The promenade will be closing soon so the repairs on the BQE underneath - looooooooong overdue and desperately needed- can proceed. I will miss the promenade!

  2. Gorgeous pics. We were just in Brooklyn too and had a wonderful time in the area. One day we went to Dumbo Park and took a bunch of pics. It was cold and windy, but we had a great time. Thanks for helping bring back a part of our trip. :) Happy New Year.

  3. Not sure if we had more sunny or cloudy days in the winter. But that doesn't matter for my self.
    Coffee is on

  4. Beautiful skies!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Great panorama photo Alana. I love Brooklyn. Great museum and restaurants and the best pizza place ever! xoxo, Brenda

  6. Looks like you had a great time, fantastic photos! My grandson lives in Brooklyn!

  7. Beautiful skyline captures! I don't see too many posts of the Manhattan skyline which such blue skies. I really like the pano shot!

  8. Beautiful pictures. The clouds and the buildings look so impressive. Great images!

  9. Wonderful pics of sky, great resolution

  10. Oh, I love the Promenade. Haven't been over there in ages. You got lucky with the weather; we've had the same weather as upstate lately, lots of gray skies.

  11. Lovely shots, I've not been to that part of NYC. I don't miss those grey skies from when I lived in semi-upstate NY!

  12. It looks like it was a lovely day.

  13. How did I miss this? Beautiful!


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