Tuesday, October 8, 2019

So Who Am I, Anyway? #blogboost

It's already October 8.  We are eight days into the Ultimate Blog Challenge and I haven't even introduced myself.


I am a senior citizen living in the Southern Tier of New York State.  What I will do in that next chapter of my life, I haven't quite figured out.  Right now I still work full time.

With this blog, I try to create an oasis of calm, showing you the beauty that is my world here in the Binghamton, New York area.  I have been blogging since April of 2009, inspired to finally jump in to blogging by a tragic mass shooting near where I work.  You can check out my very first blog post if you want to read more (note, I would edit it a lot more if I was writing it today).

I've been blogging daily since late April of 2011.  I started doing that with a blog challenge, and just kept on going.  I don't know when that streak will stop, but this will be my 3,623rd post.

My current lineup of posts depends on the day of the week, so you can join in daily, or just for the items that interest you.

Mondays are Music Mondays - I join in a meme called Music Moves Me, where a number of bloggers blog weekly - one week on a theme picked by a monthly "guest conductor" and, on alternate weeks, any type of music we want.  As long as your blog contains at least one music video, we would gladly welcome you, too.

Every 2nd and 4th Thursday is Thursday Tree Love, where I join with a number of bloggers to show the beauty of trees.  Because a number of the participants live in climate zones way different from mine, I really enjoy this one.

Friday I participate in Skywatch Friday, where bloggers from all over the world join to show the sky in their part of the world.

Finally, the 15th of the month is still another meme, Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, where participants take pictures of whatever is blooming in their yards or houses.

The hops I pick mesh with my love of photography.  I am totally amateur - no training, no equipment (just an iPhone and some basic editing software - very basic, that is) just me and my phone.

So, how about you?

Day 8 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge #blogboost


  1. You have been successful in creating an oasis of calm, that's just how I feel when you show me the beauty of nature.

  2. See, Alana, if I didn't already "know" you, this would have been a great introduction. 3623! Keep on going strong!

  3. Wow! 3,623 blog posts! That is amazing and so inspiring!!! Thank you for introducing yourself and sharing so many different ways to blog. I had no idea those kinds of groups existed. Very information and motivating :-)

  4. Is this that October blogging thing that's going on? So many different blogging activities, aren't there?

  5. Well I've already met you but I didn't know about you! Very interesting especially all the different dates for special blogs. I like the Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, that sounds right up my alley!

  6. I really enjoy your peaceful and relaxing images. Also, I like to listen to your musical selections! I got to know you during the blogging challenges, and I find them to be a great opportunity to grow as a blogger.


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