Friday, March 27, 2020

The Backyard #SkywatchFriday

It was a day off from work last Friday.  I sat in the backyard, feeling fortunate that I have a backyard to sit in.

When I was young, I used to watch the clouds and use my imagination.  Now, I just like to sit and stare.
Two different pictures, taken at different times that day, showing the moods of the sky.
It's pretty amazing, those moods.
Nature is providing us with spring, and I hope we all have an opportunity to participate, even if it is from our living room windows or back yards.

I can only hope today is a day where we get some good news - something, anything, to give us hope.

Joining Yogi and the other skywatchers watching the sky at #SkywatchFriday.


  1. Nice photos, I’m glad you got to enjoy your own backyard

  2. I would like to look up and see something other than grey. Cold and wet here again today.

  3. Hi Alana - take care of you all ... I saw your snow - cold! We're having a cold snap here - which is about to get worse over the weekend. Love the photos - different as you note ... cheers Hilary

  4. Yes, sheltering in place has made me appreciate my back yard more. Agree with you that we are lucky to have one! Have a healthy weekend.

  5. was sunny and now it has turned cloudy here. smiles

  6. Thank you for this beautiful little glimpse of 'normal', Alana! Something we all need right now! Please take care and stay safe!

  7. I love the way you put that, the sky truly does appear to have moods.

  8. I love your clouds. As a kid, I used to lay down and watch the clouds go past in the sky.

    Worldwide there are now over 120,000 recoveries from this danged Coronna Virus. That's my hope.

  9. Hope is the key! Beautiful sky. Take care, Alana.

  10. It's nice to watch the clouds go by. Take the time to just be.


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