Thursday, September 17, 2020

The Five Year Anniversary of Courage

This is taken from a post from the summer of 2013, when my best friend from childhood was a couple of years into her fight for health and life.

My friend sent an email to friends and family:
I brought the fruits of my knit/crochet project to the pediatric oncology department today. Grand total was 2 baby blankets 7 hat scarf sets, 2 plain hats, and 9 infant/toddler hats. The nurses were so excited and happy. Some good came out of some bad. I hope some children like the things I made while waiting.
As one of my other friends from childhood said "cancer and children should never be in the same sentence."

At the time I wrote this post, my friend's husband was battling cancer alongside of her.  My friend went to all her husband's appointments and waited for him while he has his treatment - sometimes waiting an hour (or even more).

Out of boredom, she started to do her needlework while waiting.

She did beautiful crocheting and knitting work - and, at some point, started to work on projects for pediatric oncology patients.

I crochet but I do not knit, and I wanted to show off her work because I know quality work when I see it.   Again, this is from 2013:

A crocheted blanket and some knit hats.
Another crocheted blanket.

And finally, some hats and scarves.

We have the cliche "lemons out of lemonade" - this is about as lemony as you can get.

And now she's gone - five years ago, today.  I was able to visit her and her husband in Brooklyn four days before but I can never be sure she knew my spouse and I were there. 

In her last two years, she showed the full measure of courage, but she fought a foe that was strong, and unrelenting.   Her memory lives on in those of us who miss her.  On days like today, especially, I miss her.  She was a 4th grade teacher, and she taught me so much.

One day, perhaps, I will understand why she was taken from us too soon.

One day, perhaps, no one will know the meaning of the word "cancer". 

May she rest in peace.  May her memory continue to be a blessing.


  1. Hugs, Alana. I am so sorry for your loss.

    Those blankets are beautiful.

  2. Her work is beautiful and she sounds like she was a beautiful person as well.

  3. So sad and mysterious. We never know why these things happen. Her crocheting was beautiful.

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss. She did do some beautiful work.


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