Monday, July 3, 2023

America #MusicMovesMe

It's Monday, it's the day before Independence Day here in the United States, and it's time for music.

Who are the Music Moves Me bloggers?  

We are bloggers who blog about music each Sunday or Monday and if you have music to share with us, you are most welcome to join! (Music Posts Only-meaning at least one music video, please!)   Our head host is Xmas Dolly, and our co-hosts are Cathy from Curious as a Cathy, joined by the knowledgeable Stacy of Stacy Uncorked and Yours Truly.

Why not join our music loving folks?  It's so easy. All you have to do is join the linky above with a music post that contains at least one music video.  No music video? Your post may be removed, or may be labeled *NO MUSIC*.    

Today we welcome a new month.  We also say "Hello again" to the several new music bloggers who have joined our group over the past month or so.  Welcome!

Today, our guest conductor chooses as our theme: You Pick.  I am picking songs mentioning America in celebration of our national birthday tomorrow.

We all take sound - dialog and singing - for granted in our movies, but the very first "talkie" wasn't made until 1927. The movie "The Jazz Singer" made film history as, in a complex way, sound entered the film.  Here, spoken and sung by Al Jolsen, the star of "The Jazz Singer", are the first synchronized spoken and sung words in film.

Most of us know of The Jazz Singer's 1980 remake with Neil Diamond, and its song "America", which is now played in so many Independence Day fireworks shows. I love this music video, which I hope will play in other countries.

Don McLean and "American Pie" is a rock classic from 1971.  It's a long song, so settle in.

It's time to party once again.  The movie Rocky IV brought us this James Brown 1985-86 classic now also a favorite at Independence Day fireworks shows. 

Let us not forget that America isn't always the most popular place on earth, as the Guess Who remind us in "American Woman", my final selection for today.  For 1971, the brief obscenity at the end of the song (for those stations that played the full version) was a bit shocking to our 1971 ears although this video on You Tube left it out.

And that's a wrap. Just a little note; I may be a bit late getting to your music posts this week, but I will get there.  Thank you for your patience.

 Join me again next week for another episode of Music Moves Me.


  1. ...have a safe and happy 4th.

  2. American Pie is one of my all time favourites, thanks for sharing. Happy Independence Day.

  3. Haven't heard American Woman in ages. Love it. Happy fourth!

  4. Loved these! Favourites, all! Have a crazy happy Fourth, my sister!!!

  5. Good choices here! Happy Independence Day Eve!

  6. Love your song choices! Hope you have a fabulous 4th of July! :)

  7. my favorite from your list is the Guess Who's American Woman, I actually went to their concert when they came to Milan, Italy back when....

  8. Okay my fellow 4M's, I want to wish you a very happy, healthy, safe & yummy 4th of July. Oh yes, and Dolly's got her stuff together now. Sure hope I don't have any trouble with my blog anymore! Woo Hoo!

  9. Lived the songs you picked including American Pie and American Woman. Now I have to hear the naughty end..never knew that. Enjoy your day!

  10. Very nice songs here. Hope you have a safe 4th.

  11. So, Al Joelson (and his father) were members of my shul. And America is one of my favorites. Thanks.

  12. Love your songs. A very nice playlist

  13. Alana,

    Excellent theme! You picked some classics in your line up. America isn't the country she used to be with all the tearing apart within. I can't wrap my brain around why people just can't get along. How sad. I'm not gonna let it drag me down, I'm gonna keep on boogin' chasin' the blues away livin' and prayin' for a better America each day. Thanks for sharing the dance floor with me, darlin'! I hope you had a great Independence Day. ;)

  14. Great theme and wonderful song choices.


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