Sunday, July 2, 2023

Old Erie Canal Shadow #ShadowshotSunday

A belated Happy Canada Day to my Canadian readers.  I forgot - shame on me!

You may have heard of the Erie Canal in New York State.  This canal was built between 1817-1825, revolutionized transportation, and still exists today. 

 What you may not know is that there were several iterations of the canal.  The old ones still exist - sometimes overgrown, but some are being restored.

One such restoration can be found near Syracuse, New York, at Liz and David Beebe Camillus Erie Canal Park.

Here is one of the plaques you can find along this part of the old Erie Canal. 

Lots of sights along the old canal, including the farm below.


It's a fascinating place to visit.  

Joining Magical Mystery Teacher for #ShadowshotSunday.


  1. ...I enjoy Clinton's Ditch!

  2. I have heard of it, but didn't know there had been different ones over the years, which makes sense. It does look like an interesting place to visit. I can deal with aqueducts, just not dams! (I was reading about Nine Mile Creek aqueduct in that park) And they have boat rides!

  3. Hi Alana and thanks for stopping by ! Yes I have heard of it but didn't know details. I would have been interested in seeing the farm. Barns amaze me especially old ones. Hey, have a happy 4th over there .. hopefully the fires will calm down but for now , this poor planet is burning up with no relief in sight ... makes me so sad.

  4. The farm in your picture looks fascinating! Quite an attraction worth visiting!

  5. Canals are fascinating. I was just watching the NOVA about the ship that got stuck in the Suez Canal. They have to keep tinkering with them as ship technology changes.

  6. A very scenic view with the decadent building.

  7. We used to sing a song about the Erie Canal! I'd love to see this!


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