Sunday, September 10, 2023

Dream Weavers #MusicMovesMe

Yes, it's Sunday but today it will be time for music on my blog.  Tomorrow, I will concentrate on the 22nd anniversary of September 11.  Today, it is time for Music Moves Me.

Who are the Music Moves Me bloggers?

The Music Moves Me bloggers blog about music each Sunday or Monday and if you have music to share with us, you are most welcome to join! (Music Posts Only-meaning at least one music video, please!)   Our head host is Xmas Dolly, and our co-hosts are Cathy from Curious as a Cathy, joined by the knowledgeable Stacy of Stacy Uncorked and yours truly.

You are welcome to join our Monday music group.  It's so easy. All you have to do is join the linky above with a music post that contains at least one music video.  No music video? Your post may be removed, or may be labeled *NO MUSIC*.We alternate theme weeks and no theme weeks.

Our co-host Cathy from Curious as a Cathy may not be with our group today, as she is mourning  the death of her father . We will continue to keep Cathy and her family in our thoughts and prayers these coming next few weeks.

And now, to happier topics - dreams, to be exact.

For the month of September, our guest host is Sandee from Comedy Plus.  For today, she declares a "Freedom of Music Choice" week.  We can choose our own theme.

Rock and Roll Heaven has been so busy with inductions, and this week, a new member joined the heavenly group.  Gary Wright died on September 4, 2023 at the age of 80.  The causes of death included Parkinson's and Lewy body dementia.

Wright was a child actor and appeared on a show on the defunct Dumont Network called Captain Video and His Video Rangers.  Several videos from the series are available on You Tube.

Before Wright went solo, he was the keyboardist for a group called Spooky Tooth.  Here is their Better By You, Better Than Me, a later performance (after Wright left the group, but rejoined for a time in 2004).  I believe this is from a 2004 concert released in 2007. 

I knew him best for two songs.  First, Dream Weaver, from 1975.

Love is Alive was also featured as part of a number of movie soundtracks, including Wayne's World and Toy Story 3.

Wright had a long musical career through 2017, but eventually, due to his health, was no longer able to perform.  May he rest in peace.

While we are on the topic of dreams, I wanted to include several other songs mentioning dreams.

Daydream Believer - The Monkees from 1968.

Heart - These Dreams, from 1985.

Crowded House - Don't Dream It's Over, from 1986.

And that's a wrap!

Join me again next Monday for another episode of Music Moves Me.


  1. Rock and Roll Heaven admissions lately 😢

    I love the Monkees song.

  2. ...Heart and the Monkees are the only ones that I'm familiar with.

  3. Great selection that I have yet heard of them before

  4. Girlfriend, you have great taste in music for sure. Love Heart! Dream Weaver... many of my favorite tunes! Thanks girlfriend you so ROCK! Have a great week! HUGS

  5. I know the same Weaver songs you know. I used to love the Monkeys. I even named my stuffed monkey after my favorite monkey . . . Mickey! I like the dream songs, but what about "Dream On" by Aerosmith?

  6. Awesome playlist. Love Is Alive was a special treat. There are some songs that have such a unique intro, or some special chords that they are immediately recognizable. Well played.

  7. Awesome playlist. Love is Alive was a special treat. Some songs have such a unique intro that they are immediately recognizable. Well played.

  8. Way ta go girlfriend! You rocked the house!!! Woo Hoo! Totally love Heart!

  9. Speaking as a fellow 'Daydream Believer' I can say the monkees song is one of my favorites!!

  10. I've heard of Gary Wright, but not of Spooky Tooth. And like so many other, Daydream Believer was a favorite.

  11. I love 'Don't Dream It's Over' and 'These Dreams.' Always so many great memories on Music Monday.

  12. My favorite, Crowded House, Don't Dream It's over. Thanks for the memories.

  13. Love Gary Wright. I've not heard these in a long time. I remember them well.

    The Monkey's were most entertaining and fun.

    Have a fabulous day and week filled with wonderful music. ♥

  14. The minute i saw your headline...I knew it would mention Gary W. RIP

  15. Loved his mewsic, especially the Dream Weaver...still get goosebumps from that song. Daydream believer was the first single I bought for myself in 1968 and still love that song...and The Monkees😸Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day🐾😽💞


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