Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day January 2025 #WordlessWednesday

Today, two memes for the price of one:  Wordless Wednesday and Garden Bloggers Bloom Day. 

On the 15th of each month, I, and other garden bloggers, show you what is blooming inside and outside our homes or apartments. It makes for a nice garden diary.

So join me today at my zone 6a home in the Southern Tier of New York as I put off shoveling snow.

I may have flowers outside, an early blooming Lenten Rose that was blooming in late December, but it's snowing right now and I am not going to dig through snow cover to find it.  So let's get the "emergency" indoor flower pictures. 

Each fall, I root up a handful of impatien cuttings.  Here are the survivors, and they have rewarded me with blooms.

Let's start with white and salmon.

What else?  How about this African violet?

My other blooming African violet is done but showing it anyway.  The blooms are mainly dried on the plant.

Flower buds on my spider plant.

Finishing up blooming is a kalanchoe spouse and I got as a gift a couple of months ago.

Flowers are scarce this time of year for me, but if you click on the link for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day below, you can visit other flower gardeners from all over the world.  While you are at it, why not check out this linky below for Wordless Wednesday, too?



Joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for her #WordlessWednesday.

Joining Carol at May Dreams Gardens for #GardenBloggersBloomDay.


  1. ...hooray for intertier plants.

  2. Your indoor flowers are beautiful. And I’m with you, no need to dig through snow.

  3. They are all beautiful. Flowers are so precious and always make me smile.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  4. What a beautiful idea this 'Garden Bloggers Bloom Day January '.
    Enjoy your flowers. They are a source of energy!
    Happy WW and a Happy New Year! ❤️😘

  5. Your impatiens have such lovely colors! And I love the pale African violet blooms! Happy GBBD, Alana! Stay warm!

  6. What beatiful flowers and so pretty 👍

    Have a bloomingtastic week 👍

  7. Surveying your indoor flowers in lieu of shoveling snow seems a great choice to me! Happy GBBD, Alana!

  8. I love the African Violet, it's so pretty. I don't have real plants in my place because I kill everything I try to grow. lol

  9. wonderful. you have green fingers.

  10. Lovely floral photos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ AShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. It won't be too long now until spring is here.

  12. Well, what do you know, I forgot it was GBBD! Oh, well... not much blooming anyway. I don't have any pretty houseplant flowers like you do. Your impatiens are doing so well! Very happy!

  13. I love how you’ve found beauty indoors even in the midst of winter snow with these flowers! They're all beautiful.


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