Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Ye Old Cash Register #WordlessWednesday

During this year's Susquehanna County [Pennsylvania] Artists Showcase, we went into a store in Montrose, Pennsylvania where a talented graphite portrait artist was displaying some of his works.

Clock was not part of the cash register but I liked the look it gave this.

This store used to be a hardware store, and the current owners have the original cash register.

Until last year, according to the owner of the business, this cash register worked.  Now some of the keys are stuck.  Someone told her that if you open the register there is a reset panel at the bottom of the black section in the above photo.  She's decided not to try it.

What lovely decorative work on the body.

The other side of the register - the slot is where the record of the transaction came out.


Joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for #WordlessWednesday


  1. Wow can you imagine having these still everywhere these days I would think there's a few still working :-)

    Have a cashregistertastic week (that was a mouthful) 👍

  2. It's very beautiful and would be nice to be functional.
    Perhaps it must be clean inside.
    Happy WW and a fine week! ❤️😘

  3. Oh, this brings back memories! When I was growing up, our local country store where we shopped had a cash register just like (or very similar) to this one and it was absolutely fascinating to a child (me!).

  4. It's most beautiful. I'm old enough to remember old cash registers, but nothing as beautiful as this one.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  5. What a gorgeous machine. They should make current cash registers look more like that, I think.

  6. The care they put into some things back then. Truly remarkable.

  7. Old cash registers are certainly beautiful. The last estate sale I went to had several for sale. VERY expensive! It takes a collector to come along on half-off day probably. Not as old, but the registers where I first worked had the old kind where you had to pull the lever. It was a treat to change jobs and have an updated electric one! Even then, '77 or '78 we all knew those registers were out of date.

  8. We love old things like this. Mom had a really old typewriter as a kid but they played with it until it was thrown out.

  9. Beautiful! I remember watching my dad work on the old ten-key. He could make that thing sing!

  10. The old cash register looks magnificent! Such an antiquity.

  11. Beautiful antique cash register ~ Wow!

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. Love this old and heavy cash register. So intricate in design


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